Affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi, India (Affiliation No.: 2130282, School No.: 81087)

Registered Under Society Registration Act 1860 and Registered Wide Registration No:. 2274/1989-90

Principal's Desk

Dear Parents,

“Let us think not of big things but of good things.”

- Mahatma Gandhi

Our common goal in School is not only to teach/learn academic subjects but simultaneously help children achieve their highest potential.
A whole new world opens up for children in School. A world of teachers, friends, peers, seniors and a host of activities and responsibilities. It is in this environment that they learn to cope and develop into responsible human beings with good moral values.
Nothing can be achieved without mutual cooperation. We want our children to be disciplined, well behaved and tolerant and respect the rights of others. The school seeks to develop the talents of the child to the full by following modern pedagogic methods. Individual attention is given to each student with a view to provide all aspects of education, ethical, social, artistic and spiritual. At the same time, children are encouraged to express themselves freely and creatively in a joyful and interactive atmosphere.
This School almanac is one of the important means of contact between School and home. It enables a two way communication between you and us and comprises of not only a statement and explanation of School rules and activities, system of examinations and parent-teacher meetings, but also provides for any important information/idea/suggestions that you may wish to give us at any point in time.
I request you to read the information contained in the almanac carefully, and to fill in the particulars of your child accurately. Please do interact with the teachers on a regular basis, as it is only with mutual cooperation that we will succeed in our mission of creating an environment where the child develops into a responsible citizen of the world we live in today.

Mrs. Mamta Bist